Dr. Cleanthis (Athos) Chandriotis studied at the English School, Nicosia and after fulfilling his military obligations, he then moved to the United Kingdom where he studied at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), where he graduated with honours in Mechanical Engineering (BEng Upper Second Honours). Subsequently, he attended the two-year, full-time MBA program of Manchester Business School (Director's List). He holds a PhD in Economics from Durham University in the UK. He holds a postgraduate Diploma in Marketing (DipM) from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK). He was the General Manager of Laiki Financial Services Ltd and a non-executive member of the Board of Directors of Investment Bank of Greece (now Optima Bank). He has also worked at HSBC Investment Bank plc in London in the Project Finance and Advisory Division specializing in Public-Private Partnership (PPPs) projects. Until recently, he was the General Manager and Executive Member of the Board of Directors of The Cyprus Investment and Securities Corporation Ltd (CISCO), a subsidiary (CIF) of the Bank of Cyprus. For several years he has been a member of a multitude of Investment and Credit Committees and an executive and non-executive member of Boards of public and private companies and organisations, both locally and abroad. Dr. Chandriotis has also taught for several years at both undergraduate and postgraduate level in colleges and universities in Cyprus.  Dr. Chandriotis has over the years advised companies and organisations in various sectors of the economy on matters of financial strategy and capital raising. He was the reviewer of the examination workbooks and solution manuals provided by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission in collaboration with the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (CISI) of the United Kingdom, and the Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM) concerning the Commission's institutional framework for regulating financial services in Cyprus. He has extensive experience and deep knowledge of the Capital Markets as well as Banking and Financial affairs.

Head office

Demetra Holdings Plc,
13 Limassol Avenue,
5th Floor, 2112 Aglantzia,
Nicosia, P.O. Box 23582,
CY 1684, Nicosia, Cyprus

T: +357 22818222
F: +357 22818223
E: mailbox@demetra.com.cy

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